Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shut Up and Race.

The Title Says It All.



    I'll let you all in on a little secret, that should be common-sense, but seems to be lost on the "common nimrod". When you bitch, complain, fight with, and put down other racers at the track, or on the message boards, you not only look like the "Town Jackass", but you give all racers and the program you participate with a bad name.
     I honestly at the end of the day don't really care what people think of me as a racer. I'll admit I'm no Hara, Masami, Pudge, or Rienard, but I'm also no novice. I can hold my own. What I do care about, is how I am as a person and a citizen of the club I represent. I don't want to be the guy no one wants to sit with, or that guy that will only talk to the "little racer clique" that I hang with. I want to be fast and friendly to everyone. I'm not perfect, but it doesn't take much to make a positive difference.
    I would hope that most racers feel this way. I'd like to think that most all of us would like our respective programs to succeed. Unfortunately, there's always a guy that doesn't view things that way. More often than not, that's the racer that makes the headlines, for better or for worse. He becomes the face of the program to outsiders, and ultimately, the downfall. I've seen it happen. We all have.
    We are grown men, racing toy cars, for bowling trophies. Think about that the next time you feel the need to voice your opinion. There aren't many of these toy car clubs around, so when you have something to say, ask yourself: "Is this TRULY in the best interest of the club and it's members? If it isn't than just shut up and race. Let your racing do the talking, not your big mouth.
Keep Racing kids.

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